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Why People Go Bankrupt?

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Income Cuts, Mortgage Debt and Medical Fees are the main reasons why people face bankruptcy

Keeping up with bills can be difficult, especially if you’re months behind. While deadline extensions are limited, there is another option that’s available: filing for bankruptcy. But before making any quick decisions, it’s important to speak with a bankruptcy attorney to make sure that it’s the right move for you.

When it comes to filing bankruptcy, Chapters 7 and 13 are among the most common.

Most Common Causes of Bankruptcy

1. Medical Debt

Due to the increase in medical care costs, it’s becoming increasingly harder for patients to keep up with their bills. In fact, much of this care has left Americans with additional costs they didn’t anticipate. According to a Harvard study, 62 percent of all bankruptcies have been spurred by medical debt.

2. Loss of IncomeMan-Pulling-Debt-Boulder-Rock

The second biggest cause of bankruptcy includes either a loss or significant decrease in income. As many as 22 percent of all cases are due to unemployment. Without the necessary funds, people will use their credit cards – often with high interest rates – to provide temporary relief. But long term, they are digging themselves into a deeper hole.

Aside from unemployment, decreased hours can still lead to other financial problems, like legal fees, divorce, student loans, mortgage, and any other large expenses. A bankruptcy attorney can also help to provide guidance out of debt.

3. Credit Card Debt, Mortgage, and Other Debts

Another common reason that Americans file for bankruptcy includes credit card debt, mortgage, and other major expenses. While it can create major financial problems, much of this is caused  by uncontrollable spending. It’s often the case that many credit unions and banks are too eager to lend out the money with the expectation that they would be paid back with high interest rates.

But credit card and mortgage debt is also a problem that can be relieved with the help of a bankruptcy attorney. However, it’s not common that many Americans seek the help of an attorney.

4. Legal Fees

Believe it or not, legal feels accounts for about 8 percent of bankruptcy cases. These fees can include anything from child support payments to alimony. The hard part is that these fees cannot be “written off” with bankruptcy, however, others can, which allows the filer to focus on paying these fees.

5. Natural Disasters

If you have ever experienced a tornado, fire, flood, or any other kind of disaster, you’ll know well that they are expensive. Especially if your homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover the expense or you don’t have insurance, you’ll find yourself quickly buried in restoration bills.

On the other side, almost all homeowner’s insurance policies cover disaster cases. Just be ready to pay the deductible, which may also be significant, depending on your policy.

Least Common Causes of Bankruptcy

You may be surprised that these reasons even constitute for bankruptcy. But while they are rare, they still happen and it’s important to be aware of them.

1. Common Causes of BankruptcyForeclosure

Many Americans love their home so much that they file for bankruptcy to prevent foreclosure. In the process, they can also alleviate some of their other debts so they can catch up on their mortgage payments. So in many cases filing for bankruptcy to alleviate multiple accounts of debt can be the best option.

2. No Structured Financial Plan

While the number of Americans that file for this reason is low, it includes those that have set no budget or boundaries for themselves. In these cases, uncontrollable spending will quickly send people into financial distress.

3. Utility Bills

You might be surprised but utility bills account for 1 percent of all bankruptcy cases, including electricity, gas, trash, and water. For bills so inexpensive, some people do not consider these a priority, thus, letting them pile up while they pay the minimum charge to keep everything running. For some, filing for bankruptcy can provide them with a “fresh start” to catch up on their living expenses.

4. Student Loans

With college tuition already sky high, it may seem shocking that only 1 percent of Americans file for bankruptcy. But the reason for this is because student loans cannot be discharged through bankruptcy (or else everyone would be doing it). On the other hand, few people do in order to eliminate or restructure other debts so they can catch up on their student loan payments.

5. Car Repossession

The last reason for bankruptcy includes the reason to avoid car repossession. With as many as 3 missed payments, the creditor can easily take the car away. But as soon as you file for bankruptcy, they must return your car as well as any other property that was taken.

6. Divorce

When a couple splits up, it’s not just emotions that suffer—finances can take a hit too. One big reason is that during divorce, debts and assets get divided. Sometimes, one partner ends up with way more debt than they can handle alone.

7. Overspending:

With prices going up, managing money is trickier than ever. It’s not just about knowing inflation’s effects; it’s about budgeting smart and being careful with spending. Sadly, many people struggle because they don’t budget well and spend too much. This leads to debt piling up and financial stress getting worse.

Life After Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy can feel like a failure at first, but afterwards, it can be such a relief to get rid of all that debt. Simply working with a bankruptcy attorney cannot only lead you to a “fresh start” long term, but also provide immediate relief like prevent foreclosure and repossession.

After all, you need a place to stay and means of transportation to work and pay for these expenses. So if you are worried that you might lose these things in the near future, filing for bankruptcy can stop this process, even allowing you to keep more than you think.

Work with a Bankruptcy Attorney

Bankruptcy AttorneyFinancial turmoil is depressing and can easily lead to other problems like divorce due to arguments caused by financial distress. If you are contemplating declaring bankruptcy, be sure to speak with an experienced bankruptcy attorney to make sure that this is the right step for you.

If you live near the southwest Chicago, IL area, contact the attorneys at Berry K. Tucker & Associates, Ltd. Our attorneys are not only experienced but stay updated on all current laws. They have also worked in a number of diverse cases, you can feel comfortable as they guide you to make the best financial decision.

When working with our bankruptcy attorneys, they will answer all of your questions, provide legal advice that is tailored to your unique situation, help filling out all documents, and provide deadline reminders.

Schedule a Consultation

To speak with an experienced bankruptcy attorney at Berry K. Tucker & Associates, Ltd., contact us directly at (708) 425-9530 or fill out a contact form. We will be in touch with you shortly!

How to File for Bankruptcy When You Can’t Afford an Attorney

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While many bankruptcy issues involve significant complexity, not all cases require a bankruptcy attorney. A bankruptcy attorney is especially warranted when a case is complicated. Filing for bankruptcy, though not always easy, can be done even when you can’t afford an attorney.

What Does a Bankruptcy Attorney Do?


Attorneys who specialize in bankruptcy cases provide sound legal advice throughout the process and inform clients about specific risks. Those filing for bankruptcy should know what to expect from a bankruptcy lawyer and determine if they can handle these tasks on their own.

Upon submitting necessary paperwork, such as income, assets and expenses, an attorney will present the information to the courts before an established deadline. Missing a bankruptcy deadline could result in a dismissal of the case or delay the entire process.

All debtors are required to attend hearings, known as the 341 meeting of creditors. A bankruptcy lawyer represents the client at these hearings. Types of common hearings include Chapter 13 confirmation hearing, Chapter 7 reaffirmation hearing, and motions filed by the debtor or creditors.

When the debtor earns an income that is above the state median, owns a business or has significant assets, hiring a lawyer is advised. Situations like these complicate the case, and the debtor risks facing a lawsuit, his case dismissed in court or his assets seized and sold.

Complex bankruptcy cases occur when a debtor owns a small business, is involved in bankruptcy litigation, or files either a Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 case. In difficult cases, the abovementioned services provided by a bankruptcy lawyer are important to help the debtor reach his or her financial goals.

1. File Pro Se

A debtor can represent himself in court (aka pro se) in lieu of paying an attorney to do the same. However, circumstances determine if filing pro se is in the debtor’s best interests. A debtor must be willing to perform extensive research, have few assets and little income when filing.

A simple Chapter 7 bankruptcy case can be completed and discharged independent of an attorney. A pro se case may be successful if debtors comply with certain criteria, such as having a household income that is less than the state median; and, creditors must not allege fraud against the debtor.

The American Bankruptcy Institute offers innumerable bankruptcy resources. Debtors who visit the website learn about bankruptcy procedures, which is a critical step to proceeding with a pro se case properly, additional details about bankruptcy processes and information about the end of cases.

The Northern Illinois Bankruptcy Court, while posting local rules for filing pro se, recommends that debtors hire an attorney instead. Rules for filing are extremely technical. If handled improperly, the debtor may lose the right to file another case or lose protections in a subsequent case.

2. Get a Free Consultation


A debtor who accepts a lawyer’s free consultation gains legal insight. Alternately, attorney fees can be paid through a Chapter 13 repayment plan. Remember, filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy requires an understanding of extensive bankruptcy laws, necessitating the services of a lawyer.

Speaking with a lawyer can result in reduced attorney’s fees, especially if the debtor is low-income. A debtor may be able to negotiate a lesser fee with a lawyer and pay what is feasible. Debtors are also encouraged to obtain multiple quotes from various attorneys to compare fees.

3. Consider Legal Clinics

Upon failing to find a bankruptcy lawyer with acceptable fees or avoiding filing pro se, debtors might consider the services provided at free legal clinics or legal aid societies. These clinics have resources to serve the legal needs of low-income individuals.

Legal Aid Chicago works in partnership with volunteer attorneys to provide legal services to people throughout the city of Chicago. Free walk-in clinics are offered in various local areas. No appointment is necessary to speak to an attorney about legal issues.

4. Locate a Pro Bono Lawyer


Every year, many attorneys accept a certain number of pro bono cases, which means the lawyer either provides legal services for free or at a significantly reduced rate. The Illinois State Bar Association or Chicago Bar Association have resources to find a pro bono lawyer.

Pro bono services may also be found from local organizations like the Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago, the Chicago Volunteer Legal Services Foundation or Chicago Legal Clinic Pro Bono Program. Suburban programs include the DuPage Bar Legal Aid Service.

As mentioned, bankruptcy cases can be challenging to file on one’s own. Especially in Chapter 13 bankruptcy, debtors are required to complete a series of official paperwork and create a proposed repayment plan. The latter is difficult to complete without the pricey software attorneys use.

Be aware that the majority of Chapter 13 cases filed without legal representation are dismissed in court. Such cases are so complex that even some attorneys limit their practice to Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Debtors should strongly consider bringing on a lawyer when filing for bankruptcy.

Consult a Trusted Bankruptcy AttorneyBerry-K.-Tucker-Personal-Injury-Lawyer-Oak-Lawn-IL

Filing a bankruptcy case without a lawyer requires heavy research into the law, attending hearings and filling out detailed paperwork. For many debtors, the process is time-consuming and too intimidating to handle independently. Instead, consult a bankruptcy lawyer from Berry K. Tucker & Associates, Ltd.

With over 50 years of combined experience and expertise in all facets of bankruptcy law, the attorneys at Berry K. Tucker & Associates, Ltd. will guide you through your bankruptcy process from start to finish. We evaluate your unique circumstances, offer beneficial legal advice and let you know your options.

Berry K. Tucker & Associates, Ltd. has successfully handled both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases. Whether your situation involves car repossession, credit card debt or medical debt, we’ll represent your best financial interests in court. We’ll also help you set up a workable repayment plan.

Based in Oak Lawn, Illinois, Berry K. Tucker & Associates, Ltd. serves the bankruptcy needs of residents in the surrounding communities. Proceed prudently with your bankruptcy case by contacting a bankruptcy attorney from our reputable firm. We’ll help you navigate the complex bankruptcy process.

Get a Free Consultation

To schedule a free consultation with our bankruptcy attorneys in the Oak Lawn, IL area, please give us a call at (708) 425-9530.

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