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What is the Most Common Child Custody Agreement?

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Outcomes of divorce proceedings legally dictate how much time a child spends with each parent and where the time is spent. A wide range of types of child custody agreements are possible. The variations are determined by parents or the courts, and both handle them differently.

Terms surrounding child custody arrangements may be agreed upon by parents during a divorce. Child custody mediation helps to amicably resolve differences between parents without having to contentiously battle in court. Mediation may be ordered by a judge or voluntarily pursued.

Child Custody Hearings in CourtLaw Books and Gavel

Divorcing spouses who are unable to reach an agreement will require a judge to set an evidentiary hearing or trial. Each parent’s viewpoint is presented and supported with evidence. The judge will make a decision and grant a final custody order at the trial. The custody decree is in writing.

Agreements between parents are normally approved by the judge, unless it could cause harm to the child. After the agreement is filed and approved by the judge, it becomes a court order. Any violations of the court order by the other parent can be challenged in court.

What’s Included in Child Custody Agreements

The written child custody agreement contains a custody and visitation schedule. Within the document are a residential or weekly schedule showing when the child is with the parent, a holiday and vacation schedule and special events schedule (where the normal schedule will change).

Parenting provisions are also included in the child custody agreement. Rules are established about how to raise the child. The provisions outline how parents decide on the child’s medical and dental care, education, religious involvement, and how disputes are settled.

Types of Custody

As mentioned, several different types of child custody arrangements exist. The most common are sole custody, joint custody, and primary physical custody. Legal custody is also available. Grandparent and visitation custody is another a type of enforceable child custody agreement.

  1. Sole CustodyMother and Daughter Smiling in Sunset

One parent who is awarded exclusive rights surrounding the child’s well-being has sole custody. This type of custody arrangement is rare and usually occurs if the other parent is abusive or suffers from a drug addiction. Being seen as unfit, the noncustodial parent will have no responsibility over the child.

The law separates sole custody into two further arrangements: sole legal custody and sole physical custody. In the former, the parent has the right to choose the child’s schooling, religious instruction, medical care, and other matters concerning the child’s welfare, without considering the other parent’s wishes.

In sole physical custody, the child lives with one parent, who does not need to confer with the other parent about how the child is raised. The noncustodial parent, however, will be granted visitation, unless the court views visitation as not being in the best interests of the child.

  1. Joint Custody

Both parents are actively involved in the child’s upbringing when joint custody is awarded. As in sole custody, the law divides joint custody further into joint physical custody, joint legal custody, or a combination of both. Each state follows its own laws concerning matters of joint custody.

When joint physical custody is granted, the child will move back and forth between each parent’s residence. In arrangements where both physical and legal joint custody are granted, both parents will cooperate to decide how the child will be raised, much as they would have during marriage.

The courts also commonly award the sharing of legal custody but not physical custody. Under such orders, the child will live with one parent; however, both parents are actively involved in making long-term decisions about the upbringing of the child.

Variations to physical joint custody are prevalent. Cases may involve shared physical custody, whereby the child alternates living between both parent’s homes, but critical decisions about the child’s welfare (such as schooling and education) are the sole responsibility of one parent.

The most common joint custody arrangements include the 2-2-3 plan and the 2-2-5 plan. Both involve spending alternate sets of days with either parent. Also common is the alternate week plan, where the child spends one week with a parent and the next week with the other.

  1. Physical Custody

    Father and Daughter playing outside

Physical custody arrangements require that the child live with the parent granted such custody. The parent with physical custody provides continual care for the child. Unless unhealthy circumstances deem otherwise, the noncustodial parent will be granted visitation rights by the courts.

Visitation rights may also be granted to grandparents if the court determines a relationship with them would be beneficial to the child. Grandparents may be awarded custody of the child in the event the biological parents are deceased or unfit to provide care for the child.

A child is more likely to adjust to changes in the family after divorce if the parents are cooperative, respectful and agree on custody arrangements. Parents who manage their emotions amidst divorce are better able to make custody agreements work for themselves and the children.

Other Custody Agreements

  1. 60/40 Custody Schedule

Like the name suggests, a 60/40 Custody schedule consists of one parent or caregiver having the child for 60% or the time while the other parent has the child for 40%. This is a good schedule to decrease the frequency of handoffs compared to a 50/50 custody schedule. The schedule works particularly well when counting the accounting for the weekend time if one of the parents works more during the week. This provides the proper time for a child to spend and maintain a relationship with both parents.

Work with a Child Custody Attorney

When you seek legal support to settle child custody matters, choose Berry K. Tucker & Associates, Ltd.. Our team of experienced divorce lawyers advocate for parents and the well-being of the child. We’ll fairly represent you in court and fight for the most favorable child custody arrangements.Berry-K.-Tucker-Personal-Injury-Lawyer-Oak-Lawn-IL

Child custody attorneys from Berry K. Tucker & Associates, Ltd. conduct thorough research and investigations in preparation for your case. We provide resolutions as quickly as possible, so that you and your child can return to normal life sooner rather than later.

Child custody matters are confusing and frustrating. But with the family law attorneys from Berry K. Tucker & Associates, Ltd. on your side throughout the process, you will experience relief. Whether you are a mother or a father, we’ll establish an agreement that is in the best interests of the child.

As one of the most respected divorce law firms in Oak Lawn, Illinois, Berry K Tucker & Associates, Ltd. is prepared to fight for your rights as a parent. Spouses on the brink of divorce are encouraged to call us for legal counsel surrounding all types of child custody issues.

Get a Free Consultation

Schedule your free consultation with Berry K. Tucker & Associates, Ltd. at 708-425-9530 to get started with your child custody case today.

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