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Negligent Drivers, Car Accidents, and Lawsuits

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Although it is called a car “accident,” someone is always at fault. Unfortunately, they are common not only in the United States, but around the world as the number of distractions continue to rise and divert attention from the road. But what negligent drivers do not realize is the amount of damage they can cause in seconds, such as personal injuries, lifetime disabilities, and even deaths.

Common factors of distract that cause a growing number of negligent drivers:

  • Use of cellphone (texting, surfing the web, GPS navigation, etc.)
  • Loud music
  • Talking with others
  • Traffic violations
  • Abundance of public advertisement (too many billboards)
  • Driving under the influence

While the awareness of car accidents resulting from negligent driving has increased, it has not done any justice for the number of lives lost from such careless actions. These horrifying accidents can also affect the community and the victim’s family as they are threatened with the possibility of losing their loved one. This is not to mention the impact on the defendant as they will live the rest of their years with the guilt of their decision.

Negligence and IntoxicationDriving-Under-the-Influence-DUI

While federal law does not tolerate the use of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol under any circumstances, some individuals do not let these consequences impact their decisions. While prison sentences will vary according to state laws, nothing is worth risking the lives of others – not to mention your own – for the sake of arriving to a destination.

According to federal law, all intoxicated drivers who test over the legal limit of .08 will face a variety of the following:

  • A DUI on their record
  • Hefty fines
  • Higher rates on their car insurance
  • Losing their license
  • Losing their car
  • Jail time
  • Other charges the state constitutes as necessary

While these charges will have a severe impact on the negligent driver, they will never come close to the feeling of guilt when taking the life of another driver.

Filing a Lawsuit Against a Negligent DriverPersonal-Injury-Attorneys-Pacific-Attorney-Group

If you or a loved one has been affected by a negligent driver, do not hesitate to take legal action. As a victim of the car accident, you deserve proper compensation for any personal injuries you have suffered as a result of their careless actions. You can contact Pacific Attorney Group, an experienced personal injury law firm that seeks justice for the individuals who have suffered from the actions of negligent drivers. These attorneys will work with you and/or your loved one, providing competent legal advice and taking an aggressive approach in delivering the compensation you deserve.

Depending on the type of personal injury, you will have access to one or more of the following compensation claims:

  • Lost Wages
  • Property Damage
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Medical Expenses
  • Punitive Damages
  • Loss of Companionship or Affection

The Pacific Attorney GroupPacific-Attorney-Group-California

As soon as you have been cleared by your doctor to leave the hospital, do not hesitate to take legal action to file a lawsuit against a negligent driver. While it is true that these occurrences are commonly called “accidents,” you deserve proper compensation for all personal injuries suffered as a result of their poor decisions.

The personal injury attorneys of auto accidents at Pacific Attorney Group in California will sit down and discuss all details of your situation while developing the best strategy to use for your unique case. They will help you get started in the process of getting the compensation you deserve.

Give them a call at (708) 425-9530 to speak with an experienced attorney about your case.

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Oak Lawn, IL 60453



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